Cancer is BIG business!

“Here’s the real kicker—while the world spends billions on conventional treatments like radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy, these so-called “solutions” are not just ineffective; they’re downright harmful. They don’t just kill cancer cells; they obliterate healthy ones, too, wreck your immune system, and often pave the way for new cancers. It’s a vicious cycle of sickness and profit, and guess who’s laughing all the way to the bank? Big Pharma, of course.” Click the title above to access the entire article…

The Microbiome Solution

Healing Your Body From the Inside Out – Dr. Robynne Chutkan – She’s a gastroenterologist (that’s a doctor who specializes in the gut) and the author of the book The Microbiome Solution. Also, the video here is well worth an hour of listening.

Thoughts about ourselves…

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. The traits we see most clearly in others are the ones that are strongest in ourselves. What we seek is seeking us. We can’t receive what we don’t believe. We get what we think we deserve. When we change things we see […]

Suzanne Somers

Suzanne Somers was her own health advocate and a pioneer! Throughout her 20+ year battle with breast cancer she had a huge amount of genuine love, support, and respect from family, friends, and health professionals. She died at home, she didn’t want to go to a hospital! Rest In Peace Suzanne. You will always be […]


A tragedy. There are so many different areas of responsibly in this mini-series, and so many areas in our health”care” system which has been messed up for so long. True Crime! Sick!

Radio Taiso

Simple. Quick (~ 3 minutes). Effective. Radio Taiso (broadcasted in the 1920’s) is an exercise routine that has been practiced for nearly 100 years in Japan. Old and young, physically fit and those with mobility issues can all experience the benefits.

“Health care” today means higher costs and worse outcomes

… “Sick kids with chronic conditions are “customers for life” for Big Pharma now. They’re cash cows (pardon the pun). They’re obese, cancer-ridden, diabetes-laden, spike-protein-clogged little zombies who will need expensive medical attention until they are no longer breathing (in a few decades). Many will need ADHD drugs forever, anti-anxiety or anti-depression drugs forever, and […]

The Magic Pill

Documentary 2017 1h 31m: People around the globe are combating illness through a paradigm shift in eating. And this simple change — embracing fat as our main fuel — is showing profound promise in improving the health of people, animals and the planet… Trailer (2.25 m) | Movie (1.5 h)

Things You Didn’t Know Happened in Dementia

Hallucinations are a common symptom of some kinds of dementia.It can cause trances – and depression.And mood swings.Simply dressing yourself can become a challenge.Telling the time is a problem.It can be harder to follow sequential instructions.Driving – and even crossing the road – becomes dangerous.You might lose your thread in conversations.That can make people reluctant […]

5 Alzheimer’s Facts

Alzheimer’s is preventable. Alzheimer’s is treatable and reversible. Alzheimer’s disease is not inherited. Alzheimer’s is not a disease caused by aging of the brain. Better hygiene may be associated with increased Alzheimer’s risk.

10 Throw Aways for Better Health

#1: Artificial Sweeteners #2: Plastic Food Containers and Bottles #3: Non-Stick Cookware #4: Air Fresheners #5: Antibacterial Soaps and Detergents #6: Commercial Cleaning Products #7: Personal Care Products #8: Stale Spices #9: Electronic Devices #10: Your Chair


10 Differences between kids who grew up in the 70’s vs. today 1. Our entertainment was each other 2. Playing outside was normal, not prohibited 3. Children were not labeled as ADHD, ADD… just kids being kids 4. Total accessibility to children was not a need & neither was the incessant nature of constantly hovering […]

All is well. (kttsp1ilyimyp2)

Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Nothing has happened. Everything remains exactly as it was. I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we […]

A Stronger Person

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You A Stronger Person It’s Impossible To Make Everyone Happy The World Owes You Nothing No One Is Too Busy To Respond To You Actions Speak Louder Than Words Nobody Is Coming To Save You You’ll Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don’t Take


Having a rough day? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That’s call p u r p o s e. You’re alive for a reason. Don’t give up.

What causes cancer?

Cancer is largely a disease created by man. The ONLY answer that can explain the rise of cancer which correlates precisely with the increased incidence of cancer is toxins. This is especially so if you consider the various forms of radiation to be toxins. Transcript

The Great Pink Cover-up

October is breast cancer awareness month and there’s going to be a lot of pink ribbons and “pink products” being pushed by corporations who ‘claim’ that it goes to support cancer research. Here’s the truth behind “the great pink cover-up””

Debunk myths about the causes of cancer

JJ welcomes Ty Bollinger to the podcast to debunk the myths about the causes of cancer and explain what we can do to stop this modern epidemic. Having lost 7 close family members to cancer, Ty has dedicated himself to cancer research and alternative treatments so you don’t have to experience the same tragedy.

Small Stuff

Live beneath your means. Return everything you borrow. Stop blaming other people. Admit it when you make a mistake. Give clothes not worn to charity. Do something nice and try not to get caught. Listen more, talk less. Every day take a 30-minute walk. Strive for excellence, not perfection. Be on time. Don’t make excuses. […]


You have permission to rest. You are not responsible for fixing everything that is broken. You do not have to try and make everyone happy. For now, take time for you. It’s time to replenish.

Top 10 ingredients to avoid that cause dementia

1. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) may cause plaque buildup in brain 2. High amounts of aluminum are toxic to brain tissue 3. Artificial sweetener aspartame linked to neurological complications 4. Fluoride increases brain decay 5. Long-term mercury exposure linked to Alzheimer’s disease 6. Artificial flavoring diacetyl is junk for the brain 7. Food preservative […]

The Truth About Cancer

More than 131 doctors, scientists, and survivors have united for a common goal: to reveal the truth about cancer. You can watch the global premier trailer here:

Four Fake Cancer Charities

“Mainstream cancer charities rarely fund the strategies that empower the immune system in the first place! Cancer awareness is about diagnosis, not prevention, and the mainstream treatments suppress the immune system, instead of empowering it.” The next time you wear a pink ribbon or join a walk for cancer, think about what this consumption mentality […]

The TRUTH About Cancer

28 Doctors, 11 Scientists, 9 Survivors & 1 “FDA Dragon Slaying” Attorney break their ‘Code Of Silence’ & expose The TRUTH About Cancer & exactly how to prevent, treat, & beat it 100% naturally. 11 Part docu-series starts October 13, 2014 See more at: Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic Episode 2: […]


Who isn’t aware of breast cancer? We don’t need more empty awareness. We need action. The floodgates open on Pinktober. Get ready for a month of s l i c k corporate profiteering, m e a n i n g l e s s pink ribbon products and “a w a r e n e […]

Alzheimer’s Disease—Yes, It’s Preventable!

Story at-a-glance An estimated 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, and an estimated 600,000 more may suffer from an often misdiagnosed subtype called “hippocampal sparing” Alzheimer’s Since there’s no conventional cure, the issue of prevention is absolutely critical if you want to avoid becoming an Alzheimer’s statistic. Evidence points to lifestyle factors, primarily diet, as […]

5 crucial skills

(1) Read ingredients lists and understanding what they mean (2) Learn to really listen to your body (3) Don’t automatically trust your doctor – he may be uninformed (4) Become a skeptic of all health information broadcast from pharma-funded media (5) Learn how to produce a significant percentage of your own food

Turmeric Tea

INGREDIENTS – 2 Sticks Cinnamon – 1/4 Cup Turmeric (shaved root or powder, powder is stronger) – 1 to 1 1/2 Cartons Almond Milk (Organic Unsweetened, 32 oz) – 1 Tablespoon Ginger (blend fresh ginger with almond oil) – Stevia (or sweetener of choice) INSTRUCTIONS Boil Cinnamon in 1 1/2 cups of water for 20-30 […]